Hello and welcome to my virtual writing desk, over the years it changes, depending on what I'm writing at the time but I hope you will find links to my books, excerpts, short stories and posts about my writing progress. You can find my author page on Facebook www.facebook.com/PLHerlihy
Showing posts with label #Kent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Kent. Show all posts

Friday, 15 December 2023

Inside the Quiet Spaces, Again

This collection of my poems, mainly written while living in Kent (UK), is now available as a Kindle Unlimited Edition with an updated cover featuring one of my pencil sketches. 

Click HERE for a free Kindle book preview.

The poems feature everyday events like trips to museums and beaches, family walks, garden observations and more personal poems dealing with dreams, thoughts and meditations. This is the second edition of this set and I have added a couple of extra poems which belong to this period of time.

Lockdown Flowers, sketched during the COVID pandemic, irises, forget-me-knots and dandelions.