Hello and welcome to my virtual writing desk, over the years it changes, depending on what I'm writing at the time but I hope you will find links to my books, excerpts, short stories and posts about my writing progress. You can find my author page on Facebook www.facebook.com/PLHerlihy
Showing posts with label #author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #author. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Amulet of Tears Book One Paperback Now Available; Book Two update

Book Two of this series is underway and I'm pleased to be on Chapter Two already, it's great to revisit these characters and plot the next steps on their adventures. 

I'm also delighted to say you can now buy Book One as a paperback on Amazon: you can find it here:

or click on book cover in the sidebar.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Space Zombie Holiday and Sil's Bar updated for 2023

I'm really pleased to have designed and updated the covers and edited the content on these two short stories. You can find them both available as Kindle Unlimited Editions across a range of Amazon platforms and my next step will be to publish the two together as a paperback later in the year. You can find them on my author page, P L Herlihy, in the Amazon Kindle section or click on the images and follow the links below.

Sil's Bar (Space Zombie Holidays Book 2) eBook : Herlihy, P L: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Now you can follow my Author page on Facebook for updates and short stories

I am delighted to say you can now find my Author page on Facebook where I will post up links to my books on Amazon, write the occasional short story or flash fiction and keep you updated with story progress. Just click on the link image above or the link below:

P L Herlihy | Facebook