Hello and welcome to my virtual writing desk, over the years it changes, depending on what I'm writing at the time but I hope you will find links to my books, excerpts, short stories and posts about my writing progress. You can find my author page on Facebook www.facebook.com/PLHerlihy
Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Delighted to announce the release of this new fantasy book, a low fantasy adventure, find it on Kindle Amazon here.

Join Wilva Cut-Hand and her friends as they set out on an adventure across Whyll to reach Starhanda's Rock at High Merlon to take astronomical readings in time for Awn the Stargazer to present at the Annual Council Court. From their lives as apprentices at the Offering House in Whyllbow, they will travel to The Foundry at Dundook, then on to the mountains to try and find answers to the strange events happening in their lands, making new friends and encountering danger along the way.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Returning Home to Turnfrith

I am delighted to announce my latest short story is available as a Kindle Unlimted Edition on Amazon.

'They are gone. Please arrange a time to collect your share. The estate will be sold if you don’t want to buy us out. The funeral is next Thursday.’
Cary is returning to her childhood home, Turnfrith Manor Farm, now the aunt and uncle who raised have died but the curt email from her twin sister has left her reeling... Cary and her twin Jenette have one thing in common, Lucas, Jenette's husband. Long ago Cary and Lucas were teenagers in love, or so she thought. Now she's returned to face her family again, but shocking events quickly take over on her arrival and nothing is as it seems.

Please click on the link below to go to the Amazon page or click on image in sidebar for a preview.

Returning Home to Turnfrith

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Serendipity Dispatch: Seven Short Science Fiction Stories

 I'm delighted to announce a new selection of three short and four flash fiction sci-fi stories about love, loss and life in the future, now available as a Kindle Unlimited Edition.

The Cloud Collectors Meet the crew of Acie’s extraction ship, in orbit around the planet Minerva, busy cleaning the synthetic atmosphere when they find a stowaway with a story.

What is the strange hold a model of a city, left to Lettie by an old Aunt, has over her and why is she now lying to Victor. 
The Liminlands are calling to her.

The Dividers Cory has a choice to make, real life mining minerals on an asteroid beyond the moon, or a virtual life on an ark, mining data but for some reason, their father won’t let them go to the arks.

Carol is waiting for the end of the galaxy, stuck alone in lighthouse on the edge of the Deep Crossing in space when another ship suddenly arrives. Will 
The Urgent Diversity of Existence, a pamphlet she is reading hold answers.

Contains adult themes.

Click here for link to Amazon or try out the preview opposite.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Amulet of Tears Lore

Hello & welcome to the Amulet of Tears.

I am delighted to say I have now published Book One (Parts 1 to 3) as an eBook on Amazon, please follow the link in the side bar if you wish to purchase a copy.
I am leaving the Amulet Lore here on my blog, using it like a virtual notebook & adding to it as I write. Please note some things might change for plot continuity purposes. 

 Introduction to the story: 

Nanu, with the help of his sister Seer, is running a gruelling race across the fire plains of Naime to win back the Amulet of Tears for his people. Naime is their home planet, one of the Tied Worlds ruled by Ota. By winning it, it will set the Naime free from Ota's brutal rule.

 The Amulet is an ancient jewel that Blem is prepared to pay trillions for. If Ota sells the jewel, he will be able to pay off his debtors beyond the Tied Worlds & be free. 

 But Blem's protege, Cha is a Wind Walker whose people Ota destroyed. She wants to do more than help procure the jewel for Blem but inadvertently sets out on an adventure of her own across the Tied Worlds. 

 Jovu, the deal broker is simply after making sure he gets the best deal, whether it's Ota, Blem or Ota's creditors that he deals with. 

 Between them all, they trigger a set of events that will eventually take them beyond the fire plains & rift mines of Naime...

Click here to read Part 1 and 2 for free over on Fiction Press.


Amulet of Tears

An ancient artefact, believed to be a piece of jewellery.
'The central leucotine gemstone glows with a milky light, around it, lesser gems, red emperiums, blue hyacinthstone & a ring of opalescent fyredimes glitter. Three milk pearls and a suspended waterbarle complete the jewel.'

Amulet of Tears Lore


Amulet of Tears
‘The central leucotine gemstone glows with a milky light, around it, lesser gems, red emperiums, blue hyacinthstone & a ring of opalescent fyredimes glitter. Three milk pearls and a suspended waterbarle complete the jewel.’

The Amulet of Tears is an ancient jewel, maker unknown, depicting the Tied Worlds. It is the symbol of the Naime & of considerable wealth.

Body Damper
Electronic device creating an interference shield camouflaging the wearer from scanning devices.

Brinwold Seawater
A spa treatment, the seawater from the Brinwold planet system is high in minerals and salts & highly sought after as a relaxant for space travel stress.

The spinning disc galaxy the Tied Worlds solar system is in.

A rough grass used for animal silage and once processed, for weaving. 

Type of hard hat worn on the Tied Worlds, usually with an outer layer of heavy cloth, covering most of the face.

Cred (Singular)
Creds (plural)
Monetary unit of credit system run on the Naime planet.

Disrupter Gun
A disrupter gun fires focused high frequency beams that rupture cellular cohesion through interference at point of convergence.

Doub (Singular)
Doubs (Plural)
Official monetary unit of the local solar systems.

An alcoholic mix designed to be introduced into the drink tubes of travelpod suit-seats.

Face-Tech Tattoos
Cyberware tattooed onto the skin to provide enhancement, connectivity or control over external hardware.  

Tree roosting forest bird. Seed eating found in the Honetan Forests.

Title given to someone who has undergone many educational processes on Parse-Terra in multiple disciplines such as science, economics and medicine. With the title is the weight of responsibility for your local community.

A long, simple gown or top made of any soft, woven material.

Portable device with the ability to project information streams to other nearby devices in real time.

Fulcrum Flies
A marsh insect found on Parse-Terra, named for its erratic flight pattern, hovering while producing a whirring sound to attract mates then jumping to another spot, mid-air, propelled by releasing rubber band-like muscles on its legs.

The name for the effect of sunlight on the dust ring, causing blinding light flares on the polar caps of Syrene.

A noble metal element.

Galaxy Standard Time. A standardized time system across the galaxy to allow for easier trade & communications.

A basic survival kit for planet pioneering. Contains basic rations, medicines & survival equipment. Habitat Adaptive Biodome Kit

A volumetric unit on the planet Honetan. Based on an old system of measuring the weight of a crop by its dimensions. A hecton equals the amount of crop one Honetan could carry on their own, roughly equivalent to a standard cubic meter.

Space travel speeds are increased using laser propulsion which can be magnified many times by passing through a series of mirrored donut shaped space stations, forming lanes to cross large areas of space.

A type of powdery rock found on the Naime planet. When exposed to sandmint oil it explodes. Often used for rock blasting in the mines or ground up to be used as a firelighter.

Liege Lines
Usually presented as a tattoo or body ornamentation, liege lines express the feudal ancestry of the wearer, like a family tree of ownership.

A compound word, leather or pleather and jeans.

Lung Sail
A breathing bladder designed to float above you by using a double layered outer shell filled with helium. The internal bladder can be filled with clean air or water and tethered to you by a feeding tube.

MagProp Batteries© Engine
An MPB© engines uses Magnetars to charge its battery-based EM propulsion system.

Moon Shitting
Once a saying used when something easy becomes overly complicated to do, now used as a profanity.

A type of herb, brewed to produce a mind altering effect, often used as a truth serum.

A culinary herb found on Honetan.

Night Slips
Marsh-dwelling creature on Parse-Terra.

Type of vine fruit, with pink flesh and sweet pips with a thin edible yellow skin, up to 8cm in diameter.

Panicle Seed
A food crop plant on the Tied Worlds, usually ground and used as a type of flour.

Phosphor Eels
A bio-luminescent eel found in the marshes of Parse-Terra.

A noxious gas found on Barle.

A precious element derived from the processing of quintessence.

The fifth element in the universe, defined as comprising of dark energy.

A type of edible plant like a seaweed. Native to the Tied Worlds.

‘Salvar Trove’
Misinterpreted by Cha as meaning treasure trove, the ‘Salvar Trove’ is an escape route

Salvar – save
Trove – find

Sand Mint
Aromatic herb growing on plains of the Naime planet. Containing volatile oils that combust in the air on exposure to high temperatures hence giving the fire plains their name. At night, sparks from these fires fill the air, caused by the hot air rising into the cooler night sky.

Sandmint Oil
A highly flammable oil pressed from the leaves of Sand Mint.

Sinbarum Balm Oil
A skin emollient made from pearl oil, farmed in the pearl fields on the planet Sinbarum.

A plain utility tunic, primarily used for uniforms.

Snow Spriggan
Mythical being associated with the planet Syrene.

A Naime musical instrument, like a drum, producing different tones when tapped.

A moss, grown as a food crop, rich in amino acids.

Sonic Vortex
Machine using sonic waves directed into a vortex field to hold an object in place. First built to stabilise shockwaves from hypersonic travel.

FTL (faster than light) universal communication system.

Space Fugue
A dream state often induced by long bouts space travel, where the individual has trouble distinguishing the conscious from the unconscious.

A quick revival auto-injector pen, delivering a stimulant to counter the effect of sedatives.

A conductive salt harvested from a plant of the same name, grown in the salt marshes on Parse-Terra.

Torque (plural)  
Torquo (singular)
Hunting bolas often worn in pairs on the arm. Made from a rope of woven plant material with lizard claws weighted with lead at each end. The claws are found on the fire plains, shed from lizard species both living & extinct on the Naime planet.

Water-Bark & Water-Trees
Barrel-shaped trees with tough silvery leaves, the bark can be cut to reveal, fleshy edible pulp high in sugars and water. The bark can be plaited and carried as a food and water source.

A person who guides or mentors people on the planet Syrene.

Wrist App
A skin surface-mounted bio-chip, most often used by organisations with large workforces. Can be programmed for resources such as attendance, admittance, security clearance and time and motion studies.

Syrean Cave Bat

Xinta (singular)
A type of small knife, usually worn hidden in clothing, typically carried by Gemins. The handles feature horn from Mountain Oryx and finely worked silver motifs. The blades are knapped Gemin flint.

The name of a fictional fiery planet in Naime folklore. Often used in comparative sayings. Eg ‘as hot as a firestorm on Zstral’ or ‘I’d run the firestorms of Zstral’ as an expression of how difficult or important a task is.


The Tied Worlds Solar System

Star/Sun: Leucotia

The four large planets of the solar system:
Barle - Gas Giant, outer planet, largest of the planets. Habitable.
Naime - Dying planet, mined for precious metals and gems. Homeworld of the Naime.
Honet - Habitable planet.
Volpair - Once habitable planet, destroyed by Ota. 

The five smaller planets of the solar system:
Blythe - Technically a moon, satellite to Honet. Habitable
Syrene - A cold planet furthest from the sun, Leucotia. Habitable.
Solea – A fiery, volcanic planet closest to the sun, Leucotia. Uninhabitable.
Duos and Empiria – Once moons for the planet Barle, now pulled away into their own orbit. Habitable. 
Homeworld of the Wind Walkers.



Artefacts from the Andominium

A sketch of Seer & her brother Nanu drawn by Zoa during their time at the Fire Sanctuary.

A sketch of Cha.

A Hand Drawn map of the Tied Worlds Solar System (artist unknown)

Syrene Old Language Translations


An - I am

Beforn - before

Caverns – Tunnels/caves

Flyge - fly

Hearthen – Home

Glimmer – the proper noun for the effect of sunlight on the dust ring, causing blinding light flares on the polar caps of Syrene.

Mi – I/me

Most - must

On – In

Quiken – Quick/run

Sleppen – Sleep

Toggon – Go to / to get

Wealk - walk

Wyren - Syrean Cave Bat

Ule – You

Y - And


‘Wyren sleppen on cavernes. Flur y Char most toggon hearthen. Quiken! Quiken!’

‘Syrene Cave Bats sleep in the tunnels. Flur and Char must get home. Run! Run!’

‘Uly y mi wealk Hearthen beforn glimmer.’

‘You & I walk home before the glimmer’

‘Ule sleppen on mi hearthen y ule most reman onside amiddn glimmer. Wilcom tog Glist Fae!’

‘You sleep in my home and you must remain inside during the glimmer, Welcome to Glist Fae!’

‘Uly salvar, uly sleppen, uly flyge.’

‘You safe, you sleep, you fly.’